All writers need to take time to recharge their creative battery when they’re worn out. In this lecture, David Farland discusses the best, most productive ways to re-energize, so that you can get back to writing faster and with renewed spirits.
In these videos, Dave will talk about how to learn to see and hear the world around you, what to do while resting from writing, how to take care of your most important asset (your brain), and what to do when you hit the post-novel blues.
Recharging 1: Learn to See and Hear Truly
Dave talks about the importance of learning to really see and hear the world around you. There are several different classes of people who learn to see very well: miners, police officers, and painters. Writers need to learn to see just as well. They should also work on developing an acute sense of hearing. Practice using specific words to capture the sights and sounds of the world accurately.
Recharging 2: Take Interest
When recharging, read fiction. It increases your brain activity and helps you learn how to write better. Take interest in a lot of different fields, even those that don’t initially grab your attention, so you can pull inspiration from them. David suggests that writers find opportunities for new experiences by working in unusual jobs or by traveling. All these things will help motivate them to get back to writing.
Recharging 3: Be Kind to Your Brain
Give yourself time for rest. Studies suggest that we function better if we take power naps in the afternoon. David talks about different ways to take care of your brain, including what supplements to take and what to eat so that you can think more clearly. He also discusses the importance of taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally.
Recharging 4: After-novel Blues
A lot of authors are exhausted after writing a novel or a big scene in their book. David suggests you take a little time off for rest, but don’t overextend it. Take a break that lasts hours, not weeks.