Dave Wolverton/aka David Farland is an award-winning, International bestselling author with over fifty science fiction and fantasy novels to his credit. Farland has written for major franchises such as Star Wars, The Mummy, and has his own hit series The Runelords.

Over a hundred of David Farland’s past students have gone on to become bestsellers, including twelve who have hit #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list.

He has contributed to the careers of Brandon Sanderson (Way of Kings), Stephenie Meyer (Twilight), James Dashner (the Maze Runner), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), Dan Wells (I Am Not a Serial Killer), Brandon Mull (Fablehaven).

Now he can help you master your own storytelling skills.

How one creative writing professor spawned 100 professional novelists…

This is David Farland.

He was a science fiction writer, although not a very well-known one.

If you’re a hardcore Star Wars or sci-fi fan, you might recognize him.

But my guess is, you’ve never heard of the guy.

That’s a shame. Because he’s probably had a greater impact on the world of fiction than anyone else in the past 75 years.

Among authors, he’s famous.

Even J.K. Rowling sought out his advice.

You see, David Farland taught a creative writing course at BYU.

TWELVE of the students who took that course went on to write a #1 New York Times Bestselling Novel.

And over 100 of them became professional, full-time writers.

(As in, they quit their jobs, and started writing full-time.)

Those students include:

Brandon Sanderson, author of the Mistborn series and The Stormlight Archive, took David’s class. In fact, he took it twice

James Dashner, author of The Maze Runner, took David’s course, too.

Same with Stephenie Meyer, author of Twilight.

Hell, even J.K. Rowling worked with David. (Although David only helped her on the marketing side. David influenced a lot of the fiction you read, but no, he didn’t influence anything inside Harry Potter. He influenced how well it sold, though.)

Why do so many authors look up to this guy?

And what does he know that’s such a game-changer for novel-writers?

What makes David special?

You see, most people think writing a novel is pure art.

The creative genius picks up a pen, and after a few strokes, there’s a best seller.

But that’s not how it works.

There’s actually a science behind writing a bestselling novel.

You see, the best stories — everything from Harry Potter to the Bible — actually follow the same structure and use the same techniques.

Techniques any author can learn.

And David Farland was one of the first people to realize it.

Don’t get me wrong — you have to be creative, too. You have to have an idea that people will like.

But when you understand the science behind writing a great novel, then you can bring that idea to life — in a way that wins the hearts and minds of millions of readers.

That’s why so many authors obsess over taking one of David’s courses, or seeing one of his lectures, or just seeing a 10-minute video of him talking.

Because you just can’t get these ideas anywhere else — unless you hear them from David, or someone who worked with David.

Most authors never learn this stuff… and so unless they’re really special, they flop.

In other words… if you’re writing a novel, and you want it to be a commercial success, you need to learn David’s ideas.

It’s gonna skyrocket your chances of actually selling a meaningful number of copies.

David taught his students everything: from the best way to develop your characters, to how to build a fictional world that feels real, to using symbolism to make people feel nostalgic, to creating a captivating yet satisfying plot, to everything in between.

David even taught his students how to sell his novel — as in, get a literary agent, talk to publishers, and put their book on bookshelves.

(If you’re writing a novel, chances are you’ve daydreamed once or twice about how the money can change your life. It’s okay — you can admit it.)

So in other words…

David did not teach an ordinary writing class.

He taught something much, much better.

In fact, check out what all these best-selling authors have to say about David’s writing class:


“I still use the writing techniques he discussed, and constantly reference him and his instruction when I teach creative writing myself… his ideas led directly to me getting an agent, and subsequently, my first book deal.”
Brandon Sanderson
#1 New York Times Bestselling author of The Way Of Kings and the Mistborn series.
“I learned more about storytelling in that three-session workshop than I had in years of creative writing classes.”
John Brown author writing tips
John Brown, prize-winning writer of Servant of a Dark God
“He understands storytelling and writing on a freaky level. All of us feel like we owe a huge debt to him.”
james dashner #1 New York Times bestselling Maze Runner series
James Dashner
#1 New York Times Bestselling author of The Maze Runner


Unfortunately, David passed away in January of 2022.

But his legacy lives on.

We have a huge “vault” of his recorded lectures, interviews, classes, and more.

And right now, you can get one of these lectures for FREE.

It’ll take 10 minutes, and if you write novels, I think it’ll blow your mind.

Wanna see?

You can get access below.


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David Farland’s School for Fiction