Apex Writers Jack Nash Wins 2024 Writers of the Future!

I’ve got incredible news about one of our own Apex Writers Group members. Jack Nash took home the grand prize in the Writers and Illustrators of the Future for 2024. If you’re not familiar with Writers of the Future, picture the American Idol of science fiction and fantasy writing. It’s the most prestigious contest for […]
Weighing Story Ideas

When you’re thinking about writing a story, you will come up with hundreds of ideas. A novel is never based on a single idea. Even a short story can’t work that way. I’ve heard people say, “I’m going to write a story about a guy who wakes up and finds a vampire sucking on his neck.
The Real Costs of Writing a Book

If you’ve been “bitten by the writing bug” then you are exceedingly aware of the pull to write — even if it isn’t an everyday activity yet. You may be working on a particular story, something that’s been yanking on your imagination for years. Or feeling the pendulum shift from exuberance from creating to the […]
How to Get a Literary Agent: Expert Advice from Bestselling Author David Farland

Before becoming one of publishing’s most influential mentors, David Farland started as a pre-medical student who made the bold choice to become a “story doctor” instead. This career transformation shows that success can come from unexpected directions.
Is Your Story’s Concept Broken?

Every story begins with an idea. The idea may come to you while listening to a song, driving a car, or reading a newspaper. You might be the kind of person who gets a dozen story ideas a day, or maybe they come to you rarely.
David Farland’s Daily Kick in the Pants—Taking Responsibility for Your Author Photo and Biography
As an author, your appearance matters far more than it should. If you look at people who are New York Times Bestselling Authors, you’ll note that the majority of them are quite attractive. I’m convinced that this isn’t a fluke. Taking Responsibility for Your Author Photo and Biography Author Photo—a picture put on the back of a […]