
Our Brains on Story

Brain on Story

Humans have been telling stories since we’ve had language — in fact, interesting things happen to the brains on story. Since our birth we have been inundated myths, legends, fairy tales, captivating novels and on a historical basis oral storytelling has expanded to print, plays, television shows, movies, video games…. It seems like what changes […]

Reeling in Your Reader: The Power of Writing Hooks

writing hooks

Captivating your reader’s attention and submerging them deep inside the story world is one of the universal goals for writing hooks. We want our readers to experience the heart hammering, gasping for breath, sitting at their seat’s edge wondering how in the midnight sky their beloved character is going to escape an impossible conundrum. And […]

Dos and Don’ts for Writing Viewpoint Voice

Eyes viewpoint

Many readers and editors state that a strong voice immediately draws them into a story, and one of the most important voices will come from your viewpoint character. But even when you’ve developed their personality and voice, it can still be tricky to actually get them on the page. Here are nine dos and don’ts […]

Understand and Implement Voice

woman voice talk sing stage

In writing, voice happens at three levels: the author, the narrator, and the characters each have their own voices. While many editors and readers openly state they are hooked and reeled into a story by a strong voice, many writers struggle to understand let alone implement voice. Despite voice often being regarded as elusive, and […]

Fantasy and Our Modern World

Fantasy Modern World

Fantasy and Our Modern World: A Few Observations The first truly modern fantasy work was The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. That’s not a statement that very many critical theorists can dispute. But what is fantasy, and how did Tolkien make it “modern” and what does it mean for us today? Fantasy is […]

Religion in Fiction


Certain works of fiction are designed to appeal to readers with strong belief systems. But not all “religious fiction” need be religious.

Showing, Telling, Making


the adage “Show, don’t tell” is used to beg for more information. Yet I’ve always felt that that advice is . . . imprecise.

Spectacular Settings

how to write a setting

When I’m looking at a story, one of the simple things I look at is setting. There are so many aspects to setting, so let’s just look at a few

Being Prolific


How to make a living as an author. Being prolific is not something I think about, but it is something I can teach.



You may not realize it, but the most common problem with stories is that they’re tepid.