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Being an award-winning, international bestselling author with over 50 novels in print, and over 100 million in book sales…

This wasn’t always my reality… 

In fact, as a college student studying pre-medical microbiology, I was torn. 

See, as you can probably guess, I always wanted to be a writer. 

And, fortunately for me, rather than being a doctor who writes “on the side”…

I discovered early that this deep-seated desire to write was too overwhelming to simply ignore. 

So much so that it got to the point where I found my biochemistry classes to be so boring, I could hardly stay awake.

The problem was…

The further down the “writing rabbit hole” I ventured, the more (and more) I heard how the average writer spends as many as seven years just on learning how to write well enough to get published.


When I heard that, I was instantly floored.

And I took a long, hard step back – seriously considering whether I wanted to continue down this path. 

And during that time spent ruminating…

I began to wonder, was it possible to learn to write that well in LESS than seven years

Could it be done in say, just ONE year?

Well, taking cues from my scientific studies, I decided to apply the same logical approach to the study of publishing. 

And, over time, I developed the many theories that have informed my approach to the craft. 

And so, armed with these theories, I became determined to win first place in an elite writing contest…

Within one year of beginning the “writing process”. 

So, I prepared several manuscripts and submitted them to various contests. 

And (not saying this to brag, but) I won them all.

Publishing contracts and awards followed and set the tone for my career. 

I went on to publish some fifty novel-length works and dozens of short stories.

Which eventually led to me receiving request after request – asking me to reveal how I’d managed to achieve such success in my career…

So, I began taking on ‘students’…

Eventually mentoring, as you probably know, dozens of New York Times bestselling authors including Brandon Sanderson (Wheel of Time), Brandon Mull (Fablehaven), and Stephenie Meyer (Twilight).

And seeing my students take their own stories to greatness has truly become one of my greatest joys in life. 

And not only do I get to enjoy sharing the lessons I’ve learned from a lifetime of empirical study…

But I now excel at diagnosing story problems and prescribing the right course of treatment for ultimate success.

Which is why I’m formally extending to YOU an invite to my…

“Super Writers’  Bundle” – where I’ll be sharing my knowledge and expertise with writers (like you) around the world…

And where we’ll set off on a journey together to create the world’s best writing course series ever…

Ripe with insight and actionable steps to take you one giant leap closer to achieving your dream of becoming a bestselling author.  

And you can get all the details right here: https://mystorydoctor.teachable.com/p/super-writers-bundle

Wait, before you go…

Be sure to get free access to David Farland’s course on how to brainstorm, pre-write and outline a bestselling novel!

Advanced Story Puzzle Course