Tools and Resources for Writers

Using the author-prenuer tools at MyStoryDoctor, you will learn how to find story ideas from your everyday life. You will see how to begin your book in a way that hooks your readers and makes them want to read more; how to keep the story moving through the middle in a way that draws the reader to turn those pages faster and faster; and how to write an ending, or “denouement,” that wraps up the story in a satisfactory way and gives your reader exactly what they’re looking for.

Just so you know, some of the links below are “affiliate” links which means that we make a small percentage of the purchases when done through my link. We only recommend tools and services that we trust and use personally. 

Author Website Hosting

If you’re able to afford to pay for web hosting, you’ll find websites like GoDaddy, SquareSpace, and others. We recommend Bluehost. They have everything you need to get started.

  • You can use this link to get your website up today for less than $9 per month and offers a no questions asked 30-day guarantee.
  • Bluehost also offers customer service 24/7 in case it’s your first time setting up a site. (it’s easier than you’d think.)

Wait, before you go… Be sure to grab a FREE copy of Dave's Proven Writer Tips for 100 Days!

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Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Way of Kings and Mistborn
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"I still use the writing techniques he discussed, and constantly reference him and his instruction when I teach creative writing myself. . . His explanations led me directly to getting an agent, and subsequently, my first book deal."