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Advanced Story Puzzle Course

The Advanced Story Puzzle

Creating a story is like putting a puzzle together, one with missing or misleading pieces. In this course, you’ll learn how to recognize what pieces of

the story puzzle creative writing fiction course

The Story Puzzle

This course is based on David Farland’s book, The Million Dollar Outline. In it, David walks you through the steps to develop an outline for

writers block


Writing Workshops David Farland’s team hosts several online courses and seminars for a wide range of prices. Learn about brainstorming and plotting your novel, writing

Why Write Fantasy?

Why Write Fantasy?

A hundred years ago, if a writer were discussing and writing fantasy, he would have used the term fantasy that way. Today, when discussing fantasy as a literary genre, we often are discussing a branch of literature.

What is Your Story Really About?

What is Your Story Really About?

When you write a story, it may seem to be about a character, in a particular setting, struggling to overcome a problem. But if that is all that your story is really about, it will fail. So what is your story really about? 

What is the Core for Your Genre ?

What is the Core for Your Genre ?

So how do you determine what the core is of your genre? I’ve heard this “core question” idea before, and it is true that there are certain questions that strike at the heart of just about any genre.

Developing a Story's Protagonist

Creating Likeable Protagonists

In Hollywood, it is said that “There are only two ways to make a likeable character.” Here are those two ways to help you with creating likable protagonists, plus a few more.

Heroes and Anti-Heroes

Heroes and Anti-Heroes

When you’re writing a novel, you will be creating heroes and anti-heroes. You may create a protagonist who is “heroic,” or one who is an “anti-hero.” But do you know the difference between the two?

Improve Your Dialogue

Improve Your Dialogue

Given this, an author should feel free to mix things up.  Use said and asked when you feel that they are appropriate, especially when sentences are spoken in neutral tones.

Be An Original Writer

Be An Original Writer

But there are lots of other ways to be original. You can be original in your language—in your word choice, the way that you describe things, and in your metaphors.

Wait, before you go…

Be sure to get free access to David Farland’s course on how to brainstorm, pre-write and outline a bestselling novel!

Advanced Story Puzzle Course