How Books Are Chosen for Publication
Discover the intricate process of how books are chosen for publication, exploring the roles of agents, editors, and marketing departments. Learn what it takes for a new author to break through in the competitive publishing industry.
Notes from the Editor
Recently I was asked to join Baen Books, a major speculative fiction company, as a consulting editor. In order to save time for both me and for authors, I’d like to tell you what I’m searching for.
Guest Speaker Dan Wells on Apex Writers
Come listen to Dan Wells talk about writing advice and his career as a New York Times Bestselling Author for his books!
Religion in Fiction
Certain works of fiction are designed to appeal to readers with strong belief systems. But not all “religious fiction” need be religious.
How to Get a Literary Agent: Expert Advice from Bestselling Author David Farland
Before becoming one of publishing’s most influential mentors, David Farland started as a pre-medical student who made the bold choice to become a “story doctor” instead. This career transformation shows that success can come from unexpected directions.
Being Prolific
How to make a living as an author. Being prolific is not something I think about, but it is something I can teach.
Surprises and Revelations
6 Ways to Add Surprise to Your Writing Hollywood loves a “reveal.” That’s a moment where a bit of information that has been withheld from the audience is suddenly revealed onscreen. You’ve seen it a hundred times in the movies, often handled poorly. In the latest movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, the […]
Working with Editors on Super Writers Tuesday
Today’s question is “How do you reconcile when you want to get a book published but the editors interested in your book want to change things you want to keep?”
Garnering Reviews
As a writer, I know that reviews can help, but they don’t make or break sales.
Provide Your Own Inspiration
I was on a panel at a convention once where I was asked, “Who inspired you to become a writer?”