New Treatment for Writers’ Block

New Treatment for Writers’ Block

Writers Block Can Be Treated? 

A few months ago, my son Forrest came to me to talk about a new treatment for writers’ block. As you may know, Forrest has been studying neuro-linguistic programming for several years and has been using it and other techniques to help writers overcome writers’ block and increase productivity.

He explained a therapy called TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) that has been developed for people who suffer from depression and anxiety, a treatment that doesn’t require medication but instead stimulates the brain using magnetic waves.

The therapy is effective in about 70% of patients and is covered by insurance—so long as the patient has tried medications first. It’s even approved for people on Medicare. 

What intrigued me about TMS is that it was also being used elsewhere. Interestingly, the treatment has proven helpful for writers who suffer from classic “writers’ block.”

It’s also use by the military. They found that by stimulating the prefrontal lobes of soldiers, they could make them more aware of their surroundings and of possible ways to handle battlefield situations.

And it is being used to help people with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

A couple of days after I first spoke with Forrest, an award-winning author who spoke to our Apex group mentioned that he had received TMS treatments to help with writers’ block. He said, “After getting the treatment, I wrote three books in the next six months. That’s never happened to me before. I just don’t write that fast.”

So Forrest decided to look into it further. He began comparing companies that made the equipment needed and found one company not only had a better device, but also offered a more-effective means of targeting the brain.

When Forrest looked into partnering with physicians, it seemed that everything came together marvelously. A new mental health clinic was opening, and the operator had been searching for a partner to offer this service. We were able to hire the most-experienced staff in our area to perform the treatments. Psychiatrists and psychologists at the clinic are providing referrals.

So we are pleased to announce that tomorrow we are opening Integrated TMS in Saint George, Utah.

This is a service that most writers might not want, but we are particularly interested in seeing how effective it is in treating writers’ block, and we even have a company that will be documenting the research.

For those who are interested in booking treatments, you may want to come to the area to do it. The process takes about an hour per day for five weeks.

You can learn more about it here:

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Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Way of Kings and Mistborn
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