
The Largest Self-publishing Survey Results

Instead of sending out my own writing tip today, I wanted to share a link to an article about the largest self-publishing survey and its results.

The survey had 56-questions and 7,677 respondents. Half of respondents were aspiring authors and the  other half are published authors. While not all of results have been released yet, you can read some of them here.


Online Workshops Closed – We will be temporarily closing the online workshops for the next two months while David gets some writing done.

Writing Approaches (Live Workshop) – July 17th – 21st, St. George Utah * ONE SPOT LEFT *
This little cozy workshop is only open to six students. In it we will discuss the business of writing, what makes a great plot, the fine art of prose, and also complete some writing exercises.

Writing Enchanting Prose (Live Workshop) – Sept. 25th – 29th, Dallas, Texas. *ONE SPOT LEFT *
In this workshop we will work heavily on imbuing your prose with the richness and details that bring a story to life. The goal is to teach you how to fully transport readers as you take them on a journey that captivates their hearts and minds. David Farland will teach you how to totally transport you readers so that they become so immersed in your story, they forget where they are—they forget they are reading at all.

Advanced Intensive Writing Workshop (Live Workshop) – Nov. 6th – 10th, St. George, Utah. * ONE SPOT LEFT *

Start National Novel Writing Month out right in this workshop exclusively for those who would rather be dead than unread! Dave is ratcheting up his popular Writing Mastery camp and this will be an advanced workshop where we perform daily writing exercises, give daily critiques, and work to improve our writing craft.


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Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Way of Kings and Mistborn
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"I still use the writing techniques he discussed, and constantly reference him and his instruction when I teach creative writing myself. . . His explanations led me directly to getting an agent, and subsequently, my first book deal."