I am teaching a series of Master Workshops on launching your book.
Class 1 covers: Pre-Sales
- Should you write a little novel or a biog series?
- How do you turn your novel release into a major event?
- Creating a bestseller-from designing a cover, choosing a font, to getting and selecting cover quotes.
- How to write your bio and back copy
- Selecting the right reviewers for your book.
- Ramping up for the launch by creating your list.
- Getting in front of the public-radios and television.
- Choosing which bestseller lists to push for: Paperback, audiobook, e-book?
- Book promotional tie-ins-toys, posters, short stories, and more!
Class 2: The Launch
- Why it takes at least six months to properly launch:
- Reviews, blog tours, press releases, magazine stories, getting the newspaper push, and so on.
- How to create a “Book Bomb.”
- Why tie your release to a charity.
- Prepping for a book signing event.
- The live tour.
- Breaking onto and sustaining sales on the bestseller lists.
Class 3: Long Tail
- School and library tours.
- The importance of pushing in multiple publishing regions to become a bestseller.
- Catering to the chain stores versus the independents.
- Building an audience over multiple books.
- Your publicity folder.Secret websites for radio and television
- Hiring publicists.
- Building your web presence.
- Book “specials” -Using bundles, writer rings, and special editions.
- Exploring foreign sales, video games, movies and television to help push your list.
- The importance of gaining awards and selling through book clubs.
- Cashing in on the value of being a “Celebrity author.”