The Super Writers’ Bundle

best online fiction creative writing courses

The Writers’ Bundle—On Sale Now!

David Farland has helped dozens of authors hit the New York Times bestseller list, contributing to the careers of J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Brandon Sanderson, James Dashner, and many more.

With this bundle, you’ll get access to the audited versions of Dave’s online workshops and receive copies of his writing books, all for a special price. These courses would normally cost more than $1,600, but for this week only, you can get them all for the low price of $199.

You’ll get one-year access to all material in these workshops, meaning you can work through courses at whatever speed you like, and even complete assignments alongside friends and writing groups.

Who is David Farland?

David Farland is the New York Times bestselling author of over 50 novels and anthologies. He’s written science fiction under the name Dave Wolverton and fantasy under David Farland.

His work spans multiple genres. He’s won best-book-of-the-year awards in science fiction, historical fiction, and young adult thrillers.

He’s also the lead judge for one of the world’s largest writing contests, the L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers Contest, where he judges thousands of stories every year, edits the annual anthology that results, and teaches writing courses.

Dave has taught creative writing at Brigham Young University and at conventions and symposiums from Sydney Australia, across the US, and in Europe. Nearly a hundred of his past students have gone on to become bestsellers, including eight who have hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

This courseware is designed to teach you the things that he has taught other bestsellers.

The CoursesHere is a breakdown of what you’ll get:

The Story Puzzle Workshop—Normally $199 as an audited class

Creating a story is like putting a puzzle together, one with missing or misleading pieces. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to recognize what pieces of your story you have (such as characters, scenes, or conflicts), determine what pieces are still missing, and fashion the pieces you need. Dave will show you how to create imaginative settings that can give birth to incredible societies and characters, plus how to take those characters’ cores and generate enthralling conflicts for your plot. This course is especially effective when combined with Dave’s Amazon #1 bestselling writing book, Million Dollar Outlines, also included in this bundle.

Writing Mastery 1 Workshop— Normally $199 as an audited class

What are the nine most common weaknesses that keep new authors from publishing successfully? This course will help you identify these problems and overcome them, strengthening your own writing through education and practice. Each topic is addressed in a taped lesson, followed by learning material, recommended reading, and a writing assignment. Learn to take your writing from “okay” to “powerful” and then “mesmerizing” in this first Writing Mastery course.

Writing Mastery 2 Workshop— Normally $199 as an audited class

In Writing Mastery 2, the focus will be on your story, which means that you will spend more time brainstorming scenes and working to build your story as a whole. Many of these exercises are designed to help you see your story in a new way, brainstorm new scenes, and then begin writing them, so that you build on the existing framework of your novel.

Promising Starts Workshop— Normally $399 as an audited class

Think you’re ready to begin your novel? The new author is faced with a lot of tasks, introducing his world, his characters, and building his story. For most people, starting well is a struggle. This workshop will help guide you through the process of writing that difficult opening.

Editing to Greatness Workshop— Normally $399 as an audited class

In this workshop you will learn why you need to become your own editor, and you’ll get an overview of the editorial process.  You’ll learn why it’s important to make multiple passes while editing, and we’ll help introduce you to some of the best tools to guide you as you revise your novel.

Worldbuilding Seminar— Normally $29

In every genre, the works at the very top of the all-time bestseller list tend to be those where the author has spent time to develop a unique and compelling world. In this series of seven lectures, Dave will talk about some of the elements of worldbuilding that you should explore.

Heinlein’s Rules Seminar— Normally $29

More than 65 years ago, Robert Heinlein gave a few simple rules about how to approach your writing career. The advice is considered timeless, but a few things have changed since then, and maybe it’s time for some revision.

Kickstart Your Career Seminar— Normally $29

Dave has helped numerous authors hit the New York Times bestseller lists, so one of the most frequent questions he gets asked is “How can I break into writing quickly?” In this series of lectures, Dave talks about some of the steps you need to take in order to build a successful career as a writer. This goes especially well with his book Million Dollar Book Signings.

Writing for YA and MG Seminar— Normally $29

Dave has helped launch the careers of or train such notable writers as J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Brandon Sanderson, and James Dashner. Many of these people write for younger audiences, in either the genres of middle grade and young adult, which have their own particular needs. In these lectures, Dave talks about some of the special considerations for these audiences and tells why they can be so hard to break into, but also so lucrative.

Recharge Your Creative Batteries Seminar— Normally $29

Every writer gets tired at times and feels that he has hit a creative block. In these lessons, Dave talks about how to combat that fatigue and get excited about your art once again.

Million Dollar Outlines Guide—

Many writers can tell you how to outline, or not, but in this #1 Amazon bestseller, Dave takes it several steps further by helping you decide not just how to outline a novel, but to create one that will become a bestseller.

Drawing on the Power of Resonance in Writing—

Every genre of writing has a “secret language” that builds up around it, a way of presenting itself to the world. In this book, Dave helps you see the importance of learning how to resonate well with other books and films in your genre, while resonating with real-life experiences, so that your novel will garner an audience as big as the genre that you write in.

Million Dollar Book Signings—

Dave has had terrible book signings and great ones. In fact, on July 3, 1999, he broke the Guinness Record for the World’s Largest single author, single book signing. You wouldn’t think that in today’s world that doing book signings would be important, but in this book Dave shows how laying the foundations of success for your book is vital, and reveals how some of his authors have become millionaires by focusing on one book signing at a time.

Why So Low on the Prices?

A couple of people have wondered if this is a scam. Why so low on the price? The answer is: I made this offer over the holidays and have had a number of people who have asked to get in on it, so we’re doing it one last time.

Quotes by Past Students

“His explanations led directly to me getting my first agent, and subsequently my first book deal.” –Brandon Sanderson, #1 New York Times bestselling fantasy author

“Aside from being a talented writer, David Farland is an excellent writing teacher.  Those who would like to learn more about the craft of writing would be wise to pay attention.” –Brandon Mull, #1 New York Times bestselling children’s author

“Dave’s work spans many genres and is always good!” –Kevin J. Anderson, #1 New York Times bestselling science fiction author

“This is a seriously good deal. The classes I’ve taken from Dave have been some of the most useful, thought-provoking writing lessons I’ve had.” Kate Julicher, award-winning past student

“If there’s an aspiring writer in your life, this is a princely gift. If YOU are the aspiring writer, this is an investment in your own success.”  Kary English, award-winning past student

“I paid the full $1,600 for these courses and books over the years, which were all well worth it!” – Jeff Kasunic, past student (and a very good one!)

How to Best Take Advantage of this Deal.

Dave is a firm believer that you learn by doing. So when you get these courses, make sure that you do the exercises. Just as importantly, get feedback from other writers. In fact, dozens of writers have told us that by working in groups of three or more, they really made tremendous advances in their craft

Don’t miss out! This offer expires soon. Get all $1,600 worth of courseware and books for only $199!


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Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Way of Kings and Mistborn
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"I still use the writing techniques he discussed, and constantly reference him and his instruction when I teach creative writing myself. . . His explanations led me directly to getting an agent, and subsequently, my first book deal."